Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Statistics About Animal Abuse

Statistics About Animal Abuse Biography
Each year, around the world, millions of birds, cats, dogs, farmed animals, fish,
mice, monkeys, rats, rabbits, and other domestic and wild animals are
subjected to a wide variety of experiments in the name of biology, psychology,
biochemistry, physiology, genetic manipulation, and bio-warfare.

Even animal research that is carried out for “medical purposes” tends to be irrelevant to human health. A PETA
investigation revealed the grotesque abuse of animals in laboratories at Columbia University, where baboons
were subjected to invasive surgeries and left to suffer and die in their cages without any painkillers, and
monkeys were forced to endure surgical procedures in which metal pipes were implanted into their skulls for the
sole purpose of inducing stress to study the connection between stress and women’s menstrual cycles.
    "The Food & Drug Administration recently reported that of all drugs that test
safe and effective in animal tests, 92 percent are found to be either unsafe or
ineffective in humans."

Dr. Richard Klausner, former director of the National Cancer Institute, stated:
"The history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancer in the
mouse. We have cured mice of cancer for decades, and it simply didn't work
on humans.
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine states animal testing is
wasteful, ineffective, and unrelated to human disease, not to mention
unethical. Many other highly regarded schools, etc have stopped animal
testing realizing that the tests are just not reliable!!!
"A new report published in the British Medical Journal finds that using animals
for drug trials often yields inaccurate results."
"Three U.S. agencies aim to end animal testing - the Environmental Protection
Agency, the National Toxicology Program and the National Institutes of
Health"realizing it is ineffective and wasteful. Published in the journal SCIENCE.
Clinicians and the public often consider it axiomatic that animal research has
contributed to the treatment of human disease, yet little evidence is available
to support this view.  - British Medical Journal
"Despite the lack of systematic evidence for its effectiveness, basic animal
research in the United Kingdom receives much more funding than clinical
research. Given this, and because the public accepts animal research only on
the assumption that it benefits humans, the clinical relevance of animal
experiments needs urgent clarification."
(Researchers keep doing animal testing because they get more money in
grants if they do, not because they get good results or because the tests are
"Currently, 9 out of 10 experimental drugs fail in
clinical studies because we cannot accurately
predict how they will behave in people based on
laboratory and animal studies."
Mike Leavitt, Secretary of Health & Human
Services, U.S. Department of HHS (Food & Drug
Admin. press release, FDA Issues Advice to Make
Earliest Stages of Clinical Drug Development More
Efficient)You may be as sick of what happened in Newtown, Connecticut as I am sick to my stomach.   What makes me sick stems from the fact that it keeps happening across our country quite regularly, too often with too much insanity.

When I researched the facts about the killings going on in America, I emotionally staggered at the five children who are killed daily by their parents or care-givers.   In other words, a Newtown, Connecticut occurs within America every four days, but no one thinks about it because the children who die are dispersed across the USA.   But just the same, those children die horrible deaths, too.   At the hands of their parents.
I discovered an American man beats his wife or girlfriend every 15 seconds in America. How do you swallow that one emotionally, intellectually or otherwise? We are supposed to be a moral, ethical and lawful nation.   Instead, we are a sick bunch of child abusers and wife beaters.

Then, we compare Columbine's 15 killed that horrible day in Littleton, Colorado to the killings in Newtown, but I found out that 18 teenagers commit suicide every single day of the year in this country.   Count those numbers dear friend: a Columbine-like massacre occurs in this country every single day because those kids feel so disconnected, so disenfranchised, so separated, so unloved that they kill themselves.   It takes my breath away.

Then, when I start thinking about the fact that our Congress and the past two presidents rained down bombs and drones to kill thousands upon thousands of Iraqi and Afghanistan civilians in two 10 year long wars--and we don't say anything about it.    Does anyone see the disconnect of our self-righteousness as to the pretending to be a moral and ethical nation?    It's beyond me how our leaders and Congress critters sleep at night.

Then, we come to animal cruelty in this country. It's staggering.   We kill over four million dogs and cats just because they are excess because of our own irresponsible behavior of letting them breed.
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse
Statistics About Animal Abuse

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