Monday, 14 January 2013

Animal Abuse Statistics

Animal Abuse Statistics Biography
 Each year, 10,000 bull dogs die in bullfighting.

Women in abusive relationships often don't leave their abuser because they worry what will happen to their pet if they leave.
    13% of animal abuse involves domestic violence.
    70% of animal abusers also have records of other crimes .
    3 to 4 million cats and dogs (young, healthy and adoptable) are euthanized every year in shelters.
    Animals that aren't euthanized are often sent to no-kill shelters where the animals are caged for days, weeks, months or years and the animals risk becoming insane and dying of loneliness.
    Millions of day-old male chicks are killed in a high capacity macerator because they are worthless to the egg industry.
    In the United States alone, 1.13 million animals are used in testing and research every year.
    More than 15 million warm blooded animals are used in research worldwide.
    Scientists estimate that 100 species of animals go extinct every day.
At some point, we must come to terms with the violence in our culture, our violence toward other countries, our violence against nature and our violenc

e as a tool to solve things.

We need to reconnect with God, with Nature, with our natural world, with the animals that we slaughter by the millions and the trashing of our planet. 
The human race continues to cause the extinction of 80 to 100 other creatures on this planet every 24 hours every day of the week--without pause.
At some point, we must ask ourselves if we want to live on this ravaged planet.   I've reported on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which is a 100 million ton floating plastic debris island out in the Pacific. That plastic litters every ocean on the planet.   It kills endless millions of sea creatures, but none of our leaders and none of our citizens will stand up for a simple 10 cent deposit-return law across this nation and/or across the world. 
It's as if we think it will solve itself, but it only gets worse.
We remain quiet as our military kills, maims and slaughters endless other human beings in Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan--as if we have the right to continue those wars for decades.   How friggin' sick is that kind of thinking and that kind of action?
Then, when something as horrific as what we've done to other countries and other creatures comes home to roost in Newtown, Connecticut, we cry, we mourn, we condemn and we point fingers--but we don't do anything.
We don't stop the violent movies, violent video games, the violence on TV and the violence to our women and children across the board.   We don't even attempt to stop it.

 Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics
Animal Abuse Statistics

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