Sunday, 13 January 2013

How To Stop Animal Abuse

How To Stop Animal Abuse Biography
If you feel helpless about not being able to help stop animal cruelty because you do not have spare money to donate, do not despair! Further down this page, you will see lots of links to pages suggesting many different ways you can help stop animal cruelty and suffering.
It does not matter if you have not got much spare time, money or what kind of personality you have, as there is always something you can do. You don't have to move from the computer if you don't want to.
To be most effective in your efforts to help animals, you should be armed with as much knowledge about animal cruelty as possible so you know what you are talking about. To do this you can go to the Types Of Animal Cruelty section of this site.
Stop animal cruelty - animal rights - it's not my pain so I dont have time for the issue
    Above: An "I don't want to know" attitude is often shown by people when it comes to facing animal cruelty. This is because it is an unpleasant subject. Sadly this attitude actually helps abusers, as it allows them to continue with their abuse unchallenged and unhindered.
If We Each Do A Little, A Lot Is Achieved
It is easy to feel overwhelmed, because of how much cruelty is out there. However, If we all didn't bother doing anything, because we could each only do a little, nothing would ever get changed for animals. When a lot of people each do a little, a lot is achieved for animals desperately in need.
stop animal cruelty: slaves rights, womens rights, animal rights will come
    Above: There was a time when the majority of people thought concepts such as the abolition of slavery was a ridiculous and unrealistic idea. As human minds evolve, the cruel exploitation of animals for human gain will one day be seen in the same way issues such as human slavery are seen today: completely wrong. If everybody was as indifferent, selfish and apathetic as many people are, the human race would not have evolved as far as we have, with all the progress (above) we have made.
Don't Just Get Angry - Get Active
As well as feeling overwhelmed, it is natural to feel angry and upset about the animal cruelty you are trying to stop. Try to use those feelings to help drive you on in the fight to stop animal cruelty, for the sake of the animals.
Stop animal cruelty: Don't just be sorry - Do something!
Can Absolutely Anyone Help?
It does not matter what age you are, if you are an introvert or extravert, whether you don't have much time to go to much effort, or whether you are good with people or animals or prefer your own company - there are ways to help that to everyone.
Stop Animal Cruelty: Apathy and indifference means injustice will always prevail
    Above: Desmond Tutu quote. Showing apathy and indifference when you see injustice means you choose the side of the person causing the injustice by default.
Ways You Can Help Stop Animal Cruelty And Suffering
The more of the following things you can do, the more you will be helping to stop animal cruelty and suffering. Having said that, doing anything at all will help, so do not ever think only doing a little is not worth it - it is!
Avoid Funding Animal Torture & Death
Page Description: The most effective way to help stop animal cruelty is not to fund it. Most people finance animal torture and death, often without even realising it. Find out if you are inadvertently doing it, and how to avoid it on this page.
Internet Animal Cruelty Videos, Photos & Groups - The Best Way To Report Them
Page Description: There is a lot of evidence of people being cruel to animals on the web. People post videos and pictures of animal abuse online and, disturbingly, some people actually enjoy viewing them. If you see evidence of animal abuse online, this page will tell you what to do in order to get it investigated with the aim of bringing the people responsible to justice

How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse

How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse
How To Stop Animal Abuse

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